Bird Study Merit Badge Day
Suggested Timetable

Why Birders Are Needed!
Scouting and Birding
Merit Badge Requirements
Suggested Agenda
Free PowerPoint Presentation
Forty Common Birds
Planning Considerations
Logistics and Checklists
Publicity and Scheduling
Sample Event Publicity Flyer
Hints and Cautions
Suggested Timetable
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Suggested Countdown to Your Event

-180 Days
Identify Instructors and Bird Study Merit Badge Counselors.
Select date based on local bird walks and BSA Council calendar.
Schedule use of classroom, preferably at a nature center.
Determine the forty locally abundant birds for the Scouts to pre-study.

-160 Days
Send flyer to nearby BSA Councils for distribution to Scout Troops.

-120 Days
Post flyers in Nature Centers, etc, Audubon Newsletters, etc.
Council sends flyers to Scout Troops.

-90 Days
Make brief presentation at local Scout Roundtable (monthly meeting of local Scoutmasters)

-30 Days
Confirm instructors, presentation materials and center still available.

0 Days
Conduct event

+14 Days
Participate in supplemental regular bird walk, sign merit badge application cards.

+ 30 Days
Evaluate event, make plans for next year.
Send us an e-mail describing the date and location of your event and number of Scouts who attended.


Scouting for Birds