Radio Merit Badge Day
Publicity and Scheduling
Why Hams Are Needed!
Boy Scouts and Radio
Merit Badge Requirements
Presentation Materials
Suggested Event Activities
Planning Considerations
Logistics and Checklists
Publicity and Scheduling
Sample Event Publicity Flyer
Hints and Cautions
Suggested Timetable
Radio Merit Badge at Summer Camp
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Make sure Scouts know about it!


Prepare a flyer describing the event four months in advance. Sample content is shown on this site. Sufficient copies should be made to allow the local BSA Council to mail one to each Scout troop three months in advance. Additional copies should be posted at local science centers, scout camps, electronics specialty shops, etc.

Consider making a brief presentation at your local Scout District's monthly meeting of Scoutmasters. The date and location of these meetings, called "Roundtables" can be found from your local Boy Scout council. Keep your presentation brief and bring lots of copies of your event announcement flyer.

An announcement in your local radio club newsletter is a good idea. Active hams may know Scouts that they might wish to steer towards the event.
You might also offer the Merit Badge as part of a Jamboree On The Air event in October or just use JOTA as place to give out flyers for it.  If your local council offers a Merit Badge Fair, approach the organizer with an offer to teach Radio Merit Badge there.


Ideally, hams should offer the event at least annually in each of the three hundred BSA councils across the nation. If only ten Scouts take the event each time, over 3,000 new teenagers will be exposed to radio each year. This could double the number who earn the badge on their own and is obviously a boon to both Scouting and Amateur Radio.

If sufficient demand exists in a given area, the event could be offered twice a year, once in the spring and the fall.

Once you get a pattern going, ask your local Boy Scout Council to add it to their annual calendar of events.

Sample Event Publicity Flyer

Radio Merit Badge Day