Radio Merit Badge Day
Why Hams Are Needed!
Boy Scouts and Radio
Merit Badge Requirements
Presentation Materials
Suggested Event Activities
Planning Considerations
Logistics and Checklists
Publicity and Scheduling
Sample Event Publicity Flyer
Hints and Cautions
Suggested Timetable
Radio Merit Badge at Summer Camp
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A One Day Radio Merit Badge Event Plan


Your help is needed to teach Radio Merit Badge to Scouts!

Surveys show that many hams got interested in radio through Scouting! 

About 4,000 Radio Merit Badges are earned in the US each year. But when compared to the 85,000 Swimming Merit Badges earned annually, it's obvious that we need to promote Amateur Radio to youth.
This site shows hams how easy it is to run a Radio Merit Badge course in their area. A Radio Merit Badge event is a great way to promote a follow-on Technican Licensing course!

Why Hams Are Needed!


 Teaching Radio Merit Badge to Scouts is easy using this site!