•ad-lib - unscripted, not rehearsed.
•air monitor - listening to your
station's transmitted signal with a receiver
•AM (amplitude modulation) -
Sending information by varying the size of the signal
•AM broadcast band - The medium
wave band used by AM stations
•audio console - the electronics
used to mix the sounds sources together
•audition - to listen to something
without broadcasting it over the air.
•board - the audio console
•cart - A tape cartridge containing
a recording of a song or announcement
•cart machine - a machine that plays
•clear channel - a frequency
reserved for a powerful wide area coverage station.
•clear-channel station - A powerful
station that operates on a clear channel
•copy - a written script to be read.
•cross-fade - making one sound source
louder while also making one softer.
•cue - the point in a script where
something needs to happen
•dead air - A broadcast signal with
nothing on it. Very bad as listeners leave!
•directional antenna - An antenna sending
the signal towards a certain direction
•dish antenna - An microwave antenna often
used to connect to a satellite
•disc jockey (DJ) - An announcer
who plays music.
•drive time - the morning and
evening rush hours when many drivers listen.
•dub, dubbed - prerecorded.
•Emergency Alert System (EAS)
- A system to send important warnings.
•Electronic News Gathering (ENG)
- Live news broadcast from a remote location
•fade - to make softer
•FM (frequency modulation) - Sending
information by varying the frequency of the signal
•FM broadcast band - yhe VHF band
used by FM radio staions
•format - the style of radio station
such as Jazz or County and Western
•ionosphere - The layer of the atmosphere
that can reflect some radio signals
•jingle - a short special song advertising
a station or sponsor.
•level - the volume of the audi signal
•log - the written record about
the use of the transmitter.
•mike, microphone - what you speak
into to send voices.
•modulation monitor - a meter to
ensure that the transmitted signal level is OK.
•network - a group of radio
stations broadcasting the same show.
•PSA - a Public Service Announcement
•pot - A potentiometer, often used
as a volume control
•program log - the written record
of what was broadcast
•seque (SEG-way) - a natural flow
from one topic or song to another
•Top 40 - The largest selling rsongs
at the moment
•VU meter - a Volume meter