-180 Days Identify Instructors and Bird Study Merit Badge Counselors. Select date based
on local bird walks and BSA Council calendar. Schedule use of classroom, preferably at a nature center. Determine the
forty locally abundant birds for the Scouts to pre-study.
-160 Days Send flyer
to nearby BSA Councils for distribution to Scout Troops.
-120 Days Post flyers in Nature
Centers, etc, Audubon Newsletters, etc. Council sends flyers to Scout Troops.
-90 Days
Make brief presentation at local Scout Roundtable (monthly meeting of local Scoutmasters)
-30 Days
Confirm instructors, presentation materials and center still available.
0 Days
Conduct event
+14 Days Participate in supplemental regular bird walk, sign merit
badge application cards.
+ 30 Days Evaluate event, make plans for next year. Send
us an e-mail describing the date and location of your event and number of Scouts who attended.