Bird Study Merit Badge Day

Why Birders Are Needed!
Scouting and Birding
Merit Badge Requirements
Suggested Agenda
Free PowerPoint Presentation
Forty Common Birds
Planning Considerations
Logistics and Checklists
Publicity and Scheduling
Sample Event Publicity Flyer
Hints and Cautions
Suggested Timetable
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A One Day Bird Study Merit Badge Event Plan


Your help is needed to teach birding to Scouts!

Surveys show that 10 percent of all birders got interested in birds through Scouting!

Unfortunately, Bird Study Merit badge has not been a popular merit badge. Only about 1,500 Bird Study merit badges are earned in the US each year. When compared to the 85,000 Swimming merit badges earned annually, it's obvious that the birding community needs to promote their hobby among youth. This site  shows birders how easy it is to run a Bird Study Merit Badge event in their area.

Why Birders Are Needed!

Birding at Chincoteague

Birding is America's fastest-growing outdoor activity, but we need to get more kids involved. Teaching birding to Scouts is easy using  this site.