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Requirement 9a5

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(5) Explain the differences between handheld transceivers and home "base" transceivers. Explain the uses of mobile amateur radio transceivers and amateur radio repeaters.


Handheld transceiver (HT): Small, light, portable, but not much power. Some can fit in your pocket. With repeaters they can be quite useful, and they can go on your hike easily.


Handheld Radios ("HT's")

Base station transceiver: Permanent station in a building. More power, easier to use, more features.

Base Station Radio

Mobile transceiver: Permanent station in a vehicle. More power. That HT antenna doesn't work well inside a metal car.

Mobile Radio

Repeaters: Located on high points (Mountains, tall buildings, satellites) to automatically relay signals. Some have connections to the telephone system.

Repeaters listen on one frequency and retransmit on another

Which kind of radio is best? It depends on what you want to do. You wouldn’t backpack with a heavy base radio, but that base radio will let you talk farther when you are at home.


Requirement 9a (6)

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